Floating Solar Power Plant Solutions: Innovations in Solar Technology.

About us


HUSE Energy System, a brainchild of Sujan Industries, was founded with the idea of creating a sustainable impact on Earth. At Huse, we believe that saving Earth is our collective responsibility, and we must come together to make it better, greener, and safer for us and for future generations.

Non-renewable energy accounts for 85% of global energy consumption. Despite its environmental concerns and Socioeconomic impact on Earth, we believe that using products on a wide scale that run on sustainable forms of energy like solar technology will create a positive impact.

Our mission is to provide sustainable floating solar power plants at affordable prices and to be at the forefront of a movement that drives India towards a greener and sustainable future. Imagine harnessing the power of the sun, while utilising the surface of a glistening water body and reserving it , with HUSE Energy Systems we make it a possibility.

Product Development


Initial Research and Benchmark Study

The new product development started taking place in 2019 to come up with better ways to harvest renewable energy.


Product Design, CAE and Go to Market Strategy

The product design began in 2021, after which HUSE Energy began working on a Go-to market strategy.


Product Launch

The product launch took place in 2023 after a successful Pilot Run.


Explore and the expand Global Market

The demand for the products has resulted in the company expanding in order to meet the demand in the global market.


Vision 2025

Our mission is to provide sustainable and affordable renewable energy options like solar power solutions through innovative and reliable floating solar panels. We strive to reduce the carbon footprint and environmental impact of energy production while also promoting economic growth and social responsibility.

Our vision is to lead in floating solar power plant by offering accessible and affordable clean energy and be among the leading floating solar companies in India. We aim to revolutionize the energy industry with efficient and scalable floating solar power solutions, driving a sustainable future. Our goal is to make solar power a cornerstone for economic and social progress.

Why Floating PV Structures?

 Application Benchmarking

Application Animation

Challenges Faced



  • Main Features Floats: Main Float + Walkway Float + Equipment Float
  • Bracket: AL6005-T5
  • Highest Wind Speed: 60m/s
  • PV Module Tilt: 5 – 15°
  • PV Module
  • Dimension: Width ≤ 1303mm
  • PV Array: 1 PV/ 2 PV/ 3 PV/ 4 PV/ Walkway
  • Volume: 8 – 12 X 40’ HQ/ 1 MW

Design Options

Shaping the Future


Product Endurance Tests

Breaking test: 813 kgs
Hold time: More than 5s

SBreaking test: 931 kgs
Hold time: More than 5s

Anti-shear force: 1142 N

Load Deflection Curve

Tensile Test Report

Pioneering Renewable Energy

Research & Development

The R&D team at HUSE Energy is dedicated to pioneering advancements in renewable energy technologies. Our focus spans wind, water, and wave simulation, ensuring robust and versatile energy solutions and products like floating PV panels. We rigorously test multiple load cases to guarantee efficiency and reliability, constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation in the solar technology field.

Load Case Verification



Flexible System


HUSE Energy has a flexible system, which adapts to the floating of waves up and down.

Unique blowing hole seal patent


The floater adopts the unique patented ultrasonic welding plus rubber cover for double protection.

Unique anti-shedding bolt


HUSE Energy floating system is connected by anti-shedding bolt and nut. The floating structures have passed the 60 m/s wind tunnel test.

Easy and fast installation


HUSE Energy solar panels feature a hassle-free installation process that is both quick and easy, allowing you to start enjoying the benefits of solar energy in no time.


Labelled solutions

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Enterprise growth

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global partners

Global Ecology

HUSE Energy specializes in innovative floating solar panels, significantly impacting the Indian Pacific’s renewable energy sector. With a strong focus on India’s booming FSPV market, we are dedicated to providing efficient and sustainable floating solar power solutions tailored for progressing countries like India and more.

How efficient is a floating solar power plant? + -

A floating solar power plant is an efficient way of consuming sustainable and renewable energy because the water cools the panels, helping them maintain their temperature and operate at higher efficiency. Additionally, this energy distribution and consumption setup reduces water evaporation and algal blooms. HUSE is one of the leading floating solar companies in India, advancing floating solar technology with its innovative projects to generate clean energy and contribute to India’s renewable and sustainable energy goals.

What solar power solutions are available in India? + -

India offers various solar power solutions to meet its energy needs. Ground-mounted solar farms are one of the most utilized approaches, using vast farms to install a series of solar panels. Rooftop solar solutions provide decentralized energy generation for residential and industrial purposes. A floating solar power plant is yet another approach that uses water bodies for the cooling effect, which helps the panels operate more efficiently. Additionally, solar thermal power plants utilize sunlight to heat fluids in order to generate electricity. These are some notable energy solutions that help India progress towards its renewable energy targets.

What is the main agenda of floating solar companies in india? + -

The main agenda of floating solar companies in India is to maximize the country’s renewable energy generation by utilizing water bodies for solar energy generation. Experts install these solar panels on water bodies to maximize land use efficiently and contribute to the country’s sustainability goals. Furthermore, floating solar panels also help to reduce water evaporation and improve the system efficiency due to the cooling effect of water below the panel. By implementing this solar technology, the focus is to develop innovative and cost-effective floating solar solutions to support India’s transition towards green energy.

What is the latest in solar power technology? + -

Some notable advancements in solar technology include perovskite solar cells, energy storage solutions, and tracking systems known for offering high efficiency by minimizing production costs. With an emphasis on floating solar panels, HUSE is leading the way in innovation with products like the HU-F001. This floating PV panel is designed to reduce water evaporation and provide efficient land use by positioning it over water bodies like lakes and reservoirs. The cooling effect of water improves panel performance and increases panel lifespan.

Why are floating solar panels more efficient? + -

Floating solar panels function efficiently due to the natural cooling effect provided by water bodies. This helps balance the panels' temperature, boosting energy and lifespan. The floating solar panels provided by HUSE conserve land and water resources. By utilizing the water bodies, these panels reduce evaporation and inhibit algal blooms., offering a sustainable and renewable approach to solar power solutions.

How much energy does a floating PV panels produce? + -

The energy production of a floating PV panels is directly linked to factors such as panel efficiency, sunlight availability, location, and installation size. However, it is observed that floating solar panels typically produce equivalent or more energy than ground-mounted panels but with increased efficiency due to the cooling effect of water.  At HUSE, our floating solar panels are highly efficient, benefiting from water's reflective qualities and ideal operating temperatures. This setup focuses on increasing energy production and improving the overall performance, making them a sustainable choice for clean energy generation.